Moby Freedom

Aloittaja Timo Selkälä, 18.08.2004, 12:10:27

« edellinen - seuraava »

Timo Selkälä

Taas Yahoosta:
Olbia - an Italian ferry with 1.700 passengers on board collided Monday night whilst traveling from Sardinia to Genova with an unknown object floating in the sea. The accident happened approximately 20 nautical miles from the coast Corsica and caused some
water leakage in to the hull of the "Moby Freedom".
The ferry, owned by the Italian line "Compagnia Moby" returned under its own power to the port Olbia. Apparently no-one was injured. Probably the ship rammed a container.

Reported by the Austrian Kurier News Web site quoting Italian television information.

For a picture of the «Moby Freedom» listing badly in harbor see:-

Linkki kuvaan

Linkin pitää olla yhdellä rivillä. Sen sijaan kuvassa ei ole MF vaan ilmeisesti Moby Magic.

Aluksella on kuulemma potkurivaurio.

Linkki korjattu
I am not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

06 / 2007 Liverpool Viking ja Ulysses.