Fakta om Fartyg suljettu!

Aloittaja Joonas Vähämäki, 17.03.2020, 15:00:27

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Joonas Vähämäki

Ei kovin pitkä aika ole, kun viimeksi katsoin. Onko kellään tarkempaa tietoa tästä? Sivulla tulee ilmoitus että se sivu on suljettu, ei siis vaikuta väliaikaiselta tai servereistä johtuvasta asiasta.

Joonas Vähämäki

Vastaus tulikin Facebookin kautta. Lainaan tähän Micke Asklanderin postausta:

Lainaa"What really happened on 15th of march was that i once again found someone using a picture from my site without mentioning who the photographer is.

I wrote a comment that it would be appropriate to at least give credit to the photographer when borrowing pictures found in/from my collection. This was well received by OP and he apologized and added relevant information.

A few minutes later another individual stated that if i was to write in the way i did i dint have to post any pictures at all , my reply was that then i might have to close down my site . This nice person then replied that it might be the best solution , so the result is that my site is now closed.

I think it is sad when the photographers can not get the credit they deserve, on my site it is posted together with the picture so if someone borrows a picture i think they could easily include credit to the one who deserves it. I don't mind if people borrow pictures from my site as long as they give credit .

At the moment im scanning many photos that Christer Samuelsson have been kind enough to lend me from his huge collection of photos taken by him during many years. In my eyes a invaluable treasure .

To be honest i had a need to clean out old files that was taking up space so i saw this as a great opportunity to clean out the server.

The site will be back in the near future but the cleaning takes time and as you know i have a full time job and strange enough some social life outside of Fof.

I have spent 23 years to develop this site and i hope to continue for many more years , at least as long as it is fun, the days i find it less rewarding i take a short break to get energy to continue again.

Just to clarify , i will not hand my creation over to anyone else this is my creation and my project . But ideas and assistance is welcome , if i get the hint ;)

Economy is not an issue , the yearly cost is not high.


Kalevi Lehto

Laivamatkailua Suomen Turusta jo vuodesta 1964

Joonas Vähämäki

Joonas Vähämäki

No nyt se sitten on suljettu. RIP.

Kalevi Lehto

Harmi juttu, ei taida oikein olla muuta yhtä kattavaa "tietopankkia".
Laivamatkailua Suomen Turusta jo vuodesta 1964

Sven Liljeström

Ikävä asia, minunkin mielestäni!
Asklander on tehnyt hyvän työn, ehkä jatkaja sittenkin löytyy?

Kai Heino

Lukemattomia kertoja olen vuosien varrella FOF:ssa käynyt lunttaamassa. Sääli, kun kaikki se hieno ja kova työ tavallaan häviää bittiavaruudesta.
Jonkinlaista korviketta on http://www.ferry-site.dk/update.php?lang=en.
Luonto suosii turhanpäiväistä kokeilijaa.

Ilves Valta

Wayback Machinestä tuntuu löytyvän aika hyvin kaikki matskut kun olen niitä kaivannut: https://web.archive.org/web/20230228050955/https://faktaomfartyg.se/